Education and Research Commissions
New College Lanarkshire
HNC / HND and BA Acting Courses Guest Specialist / Industry Consultant Sep 10 – To date
Regular workshop visits exploring the history of comic tradition and physical technique from the commedia dell’arte to modern day sitcom. Movement skills and dramaturgical possibilities are explored through structured improvisation. Recently, we have taken part in consultation and delivered talks on creative industry pathways.
Education Scotland / Creative Scotland
The Art of Learning Artist and Creative Agent Oct 16 - May 19
This multi art-form project explored the links between creativity and the executive functions of the brain as part of a professional development opportunity for teachers using arts-based learning to improve attainment across the curriculum. The project was partnered by Creative Scotland, Education Scotland, research company Creativity, Culture and Education, funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and delivered across the three Ayrshires. An additional year of activity based on the project was commissioned independently by St John's Primary School in Ayr.
North Ayrshire Council
Creativity Across Learning Visiting Artist 2013 - 2018
A series of classroom demonstration sessions with follow-up CPD exploring creative links between expressive arts and other subject areas. Topics have ranged from WW2, space exploration, local environment and volcanoes to studies of set text, presentation skills and creative writing techniques, delivered in secondary, primary and early years contexts.
Hopscotch Theatre
CyberBuddy Resource Writer 2015 - 2016
Interactive activity pack designed to follow up themes explored in the touring production of CyberBuddy, offering suggestions of creative approaches to the topic of internet safety.
West Dunbartonshire Council
Conflict and Creativity Visiting Artist Mar 14
CPD session and resource material exploring the fluid and often paradoxical relationship between the arts, culture and warfare through history.
Holyrood to Hollywood Director/Script Editor Jan – Jun 04
Commission from West Dunbartonshire Council and the Electoral Commission using Drama and Media Skills to explore democracy and promote political literacy and produce a DVD as a sustainable resource.
Citizenship Through Drama Visiting Artist Mar – Apr 03
Commission from West Dunbartonshire Council for primary school teachers, using drama to explore active citizenship and UNCRC.
Education Scotland
Creative Connections Writer Apr 12 - Mar 13
Interactive web-resource charting creativity through the ages with learning challenges to support interdisciplinary learning. Demonstration materials can be made available on request.
Passeport pour la Francophonie Mime Artist Feb 13
A voyage of discovery through the French-speaking world. Devised and performed mime sequences as part of ES online resource.
Glasgow City Council
EPOSC Summer School Visiting Artist Jul 12
East Pollokshields Out of School Club film and drama project. Devised, performed and edited by pupils from Pollokshields Primary School.
Bridgeton Cross – Creative Themes Project consultant Mar – May 10 A series of workshops in Dalmarnock Primary School, devised in association with Clyde Gateway to enable and inspire P5 pupils to generate a body of text and images to be included in the inscription of the planned granite paving at Bridgeton Cross.
Reaching Out to Reggio Project consultant Apr – May 10
A series of workshops with accompanying CPD for thirteen Glasgow nurseries based on the activities piloted in East Ayrshire (see below).
East Ayrshire Council
The Pennycross Ponies Writer Sep 09 – to date
Illustrated storybook for early to mid-primary. The story adopts the perspectives of three ponies who suffer neglect as result of alcohol abuse by their owner. The book is the focus of support materials for teachers of young children who may encounter similar problems with parents or carers.
Making the Links Visiting Artist Nov 10 – to date
CPD and classroom demonstrations using drama, media and other expressive arts skills to support interdisciplinary learning in the context of Curriculum for Excellence. Funded and managed by Creative Scotland / Children in Scotland.
Creative Identities Producer Jan 10 – to date
Media project targeting More Choices More Chances giving S1 – S4 pupils the opportunity to devise and star in their own movie. Funded through Cashback for Communities.
Curriculum for Excellence Support Visiting Artist Sep 09 – to date
A series of drama and media workshops based on Arts Across the Curriculum (see below) for 9 East Ayrshire primary schools using classical mythology as a platform to explore interdisciplinary links between Social Studies, Literacy and English and Expressive Arts.
Reaching Out to Reggio Project consultant Apr 06 - to date Child-centred activities exploring A Curriculum Framework for Children 3 to 5 using a combination of familiar texts and newly developed material derived from techniques used in the municipal schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy. A series of workshops and CPD sessions led to the production of a DVD currently being used as an example of good practice in early years education.
Arts Across the Curriculum Visiting Artist Apr 05 – to date
Scottish Executive (FLaT) commission facilitated by SAC in partnership with local authorities, piloting a range of arts interventions tackling areas of the curriculum less directly linked to arts disciplines (eg Science). Featured in SAC publication The Art of Learning.
Local Heroes Visiting Artsist / Producer Feb – Sep 08
SAC CCiSS Special Project Fund to support Curriculum for Excellence. Screenwriting workshops exploring The Covenanters in five secondary schools led to the production of a short movie sequence shot with professional actors on location at Dean Castle, Kilmarnock.
Preparation for Independence Writer / Director Feb – May 08
Filming workshops at James Hamilton Academy, Kilmarnock to promote confidence and self-esteem among More Choices More Chances target group. The project culminated in the screening of a short film How Cool is Our School
Stage Production CPD Course Leader Apr – May 06
4 session course commissioned by James Hamilton Academy introducing teachers to the practicalities of direction and design.
Citizenship and the Law Producer / Writer Mar 06
Loudoun learning partnership commission developing TV drama contexts from Strathclyde Police resources to tackle bullying in schools.
Curse of the Cyclops Writer / Director Aug 05
EAC Summer School in association with East Ayrshire Schools Drama Ensemble.
Comedy adaptation of episodes from the Odyssey performed at the Palace Theatre, Kilmarnock.
Minstrel in the Gallery Producer / Visiting Artist Mar 04 –Apr 06
SAC CCiSS Special Project Fund. Cross-cultural collaboration using local heritage as a stimulus for a variety of
Drama and Media workshops plus the production of a CD Rom as a sustainable resource for 5-14 Expressive Arts.
Soapy Bubble Visiting Artist / Writer May 02 – Jun 04
NOF commission for primary and secondary schools, using soap-style drama to explore rights and responsibilities under the UNCRC. Scripted material and lesson plans have now been developed as a sustainable resource for 5-14 Drama.
Something for the Weekend Director / Script Editor Jan – Mar 03
Drugs Awareness Project. Short films devised and performed by students in East Ayrshire schools exploring choices faced by young people.
International Projects
Tenda Summer School Guest Tutor Aug 15 - to date
Centro Preformazione Attoriale, Italy
International youth theatre summer camp at Villa La Mensa, Ferrara. Acting workshops and master-classes exploring aspects of comic technique and links between classic and contemporary characterisation.
Chá Summer School Guest Tutor July 19
Teatro de Vilalba, Spain
International youth theatre summer camp in Vilalba, Galicia in partnership with practitioners from Spain, Portugal and Italy. Acting workshops and master-classes linked stories from the pilgrims of the Camiño de Santiago to classical character archetypes, culminating in a promenade performance through the town of Vilalba.
Reaching Out to Reggio Researcher / Producer Apr 10 – to date
Reggio Emilia, Italy
This extensive research programme continues to explore the globally recognised pedagogical approach of the municipal schools in Reggio Emilia. The experience has been key to the development of expressive arts activities and CPD for nurseries in Glasgow and East Ayrshire, which culminated in a study visit to Reggio in October 2010 funded by Creative Scotland. Particular attention has been paid to the relationship between expressive arts and stories in early education. DV resources available.
Shakespeare in Performance Workshop leader Oct 10
Community Theatre School, Ferrara, Italy. This short series of seminars for adults used scenes from A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Merchant of Venice to explore how attention to textual detail can inform and enhance dramatic impact. The workshops were conducted in Italian and English.
Comedy in the Courtyard Director Jul 04
Cultural exchange project culminating in site-specific performance at Dean Castle, Kilmarnock with international comic artist Massimo Malucelli. Funded by East Ayrshire Council.
Partners in Excellence Drama Consultant Sep 03 – Jun 06
Drama and Media workshops to support film-making weekends for students of modern languages (French, German, Spanish and Italian) and overseas guest teachers. Participating local authorities – Argyll and Bute, East Ayrshire and North Ayrshire.
Shakespeare’s Italian Odyssey Visiting Artist May 04
British Council – Milan
Lecture demonstration for English teachers exploring the impact of the Commedia dell’ Arte on Shakespeare’s comedies.
Independent Research Project – Venice Participant May 04
Exploration of Venetian mask tradition and the influence of the Renaissance on Western Culture.
International Comic Theatre Workshops Participant July 03
Circolo Culturale Frescobaldi, Ferrara. Two-week intensive course on the Commedia dell’ Arte and comic techniques. (SAC Professional Development Fund).