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Our Services

Replico offers a unique range of opportunities to schools, colleges or any other organisation that shares our passion for creativity and life-long learning. We have over twenty years experience in delivering high quality workshops, stage and media productions, training events, resource materials and strategic consultations.


Our approach draws on talent from across the arts spectrum using a combination of practical skills sessions, lecture demonstrations and staff training opportunities. These can be booked as one-off events, bespoke residencies or longer-term projects.

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Education Support

In recent years, workshops have focused on promoting the value of expressive arts and creativity across learning. We have a strong track record of delivering projects targeting strategic priorities such as attainment in literacy, interdisciplinary learning and developing the young workforce.  Replico has developed its own pedagogical style is equipped to apply this to most areas of the curriculum for any age group. Recently, this has led to collaborative working with artists from other disciplines, extending our repertoire of industry specific training contexts and generic skills for the work place.

Theatre Production
Replico has toured numerous stage productions in both schools and commercial venues, augmented by online resource materials and DV documentaries. Projects have most frequently been linked to specific funding streams through Creative Scotland or commissioned directly by schools, local authorities, Education Scotland and other organisations.
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Digital Media
Replico is equipped to develop skills in any aspect of media production, from web-design and pod-casting to small scale movies. It is becoming increasingly important in this digital age to develop a strong understanding of the new idiom and its creative potential.
Our artist fees reflect standard industry rates, but are negotiable depending on the scale of the project.
To find out more contact us via the tab above.
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